
FOUNDATION Routine Inspection Schedule


Foundation Inspection* Items

  • Identify the type of foundation
  • Report visible* indications of adverse performance, such as:
    • binding, out-of-square, non-latching doors;
    • framing or frieze board separations;
    • sloping floors;
    • window, wall, floor, or ceiling cracks or separations;
    • rotating, buckling, cracking, or deflecting masonry cladding;
    • deteriorated materials;
    • deficient beams, joists, bridging, blocking, piers, posts, pilings, columns, sills or subfloor;
    • deficiencies in retaining walls related to foundation performance;
    • exposed or damaged reinforcement;
    • crawl space ventilation that is not performing; and
    • crawl space drainage that is not performing.

Note: Foundation crawl space (e.g., pier and beam/elevated) inspection subject to limitations of personnel safety and accessibility.

  • Perform and report foundation elevation survey

*Note: The inspection observes only readily accessible and visible components and conditions. Latent, obscured and/or reasonably inaccessible components and materials may prevent inspection of those items.