New Home Construction
New Home Construction Deficiency Inspections
New home construction deficiency
Identifying new home construction deficiencies to claim under a builder warranty is an important responsibility of the new homeowner. Some construction deficiencies may be obvious, such as water not coming out of a faucet, or lights not turning on when switched. Other deficiencies involving performance and material condition, however, may only be obvious to the trained eye (and ears, touch, and even smell). Neither the builder or the builder's warranty service company will have an interest in returning after the sale of the home to find things wrong with their product. Fortunately, there is a professional and knowledgeable resource to assist homeowners with identification of warranted deficiencies in new home construction, the state licensed real estate inspector. Read more about the New Construction (Builder) Warranty Inspection here.
What is the new construction builder warranty inspection?
The new home inspection is similar to a real estate (sale transaction) inspection. The average timeframe required for the onsite inspection is 3 hours depending on the scope of the current builder warranty coverage. New home builder warranties are usually three-tiered covering the entirety of the home (structural and mechanical) the first year, the mechanical systems for two years, and a ten year period covering major structural components (foundation, supporting structure, and roof structure).
The new home warranty inspection advantage
The real estate inspector has the legal and fiduciary responsibility (as a licensed real estate professional) to identify and report all deficiencies found in a home to the inspection client (i.e., homeowner). The independent, experienced inspector has the construction knowledge necessary to assess the home's current condition, as well as identify indicators of potential future performance. The inspection information provided should also benefit the homeowner with the ongoing responsibility of maintaining their real estate asset. To inspect your home (new or used) order the Home Inspection here.